Monday, April 5, 2010

McAfee's Knob - Bouldering!

My back was still not 100% but we still decided to finally get some more bouldering in. We decided to go to a spot near Roanoke VA called McAfee's Knob.
Jennifer getting ready for a climb!
We started our day at the Roadside Boulder which has a very short approach. The rock is visible from the road!
Jennifer on Flake Problem V0
Since it was Jennifer's first time bouldering outdoors and since my back was still not 100% we decided to hop on Flake Problem V0. I flashed the problem but I found it to be a pretty stiff V0 with the sit start. The crux is the sit down start and the top out. I also climbed Roadside Arete V2. The trick to the climb is to keep both hands on the right and move your right hand further to the right for better holds. There were many other climbs that looked like fun but I decided that it was probably better to play it safe rather than risk messing my back up any more.

I think that this photo is of me on the same problem...
The next cluster of problems was located 1 mile up the road. The boulder was called Mickey Mouse Boulder and once you see it you'll know why it's named Mickey Mouse Boulders.
Flashing the Mickey Mouse Left V3 on the Mickey Mouse Boulder.
The boulder really does look like Mickey Mouse! Needless to say I was all giddy when I saw the rock. Both the Mickey Mouse Right V2 and Mickey Mouse Left was a lot of fun even if the Mickey Mouse left's top out was a bit scary.
Jennifer worked the climb right below the left ear of Mickey Mouse called the Tornado V1. After some tries she got it! And it's definitely not an easy V1!
After the Tornado we started running out of time but there was one more climb I really wanted to do. I have been eying it ever since we got to the MM boulders, a V3 dyno called the Flake Dyno. A dyno is probably not the best thing for a injured back but I couldn't resist.
Look ma! No feets!
The climb was the perfect Dyno. Very solid starting hand hold, decent foot holds and a reachy and fairly decent hand hold to latch onto. Since Dynoing is not my strong suit it took me a while before I was utilizing my body well enough to really launch for it. I pushed hard with my legs, pulled my body close to the rock and let the feet cut loose. It took me many tries but I got it! What an awesome way to end a bouldering day!


  1. that's one of my best friend's and his dog, Doc in the mickey mouse boulder picture!

  2. Nice! He was really friendly and the dog was cool too.
