Tuesday, April 6, 2010

McAfee's Knob - Crag Beta!

 Mickey Mouse Boulder
McAfee's Knob is located approximately 20 minutes north west of Roanoke VA. Here is the turn by turn directions from Mountain Project.com
"From I-81 take exit for Rt. 311 just south of Roanoke. Follow 311 S and park at the top of Catawba mountain, where the AT crosses the road. There is a large gravel lot on the left."
 The parking lot on the left

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There is currently no access issue.
Just park your car in the parking lot, start heading down the hill to the left until you see a gated fire road. The Roadside Boulder should be visible on top of the hill and if you keep heading down the fire road it should lead you to the rest of the problems. Since most of the problems can only be accessed after 3.5 miles of hiking so comfortable shoes are recommended. 

To my knowledge the only guide book available for the area is the Dr. Topo guide. The guide is still accessible from Dr. Topo's website. -link-

Where to Stay:
I stayed at a friend's place in Roanoke but if you are looking for camping options according to rockclimbing.com:
"There is camping on the main trail on the way up there. Camping at the very top is prohibited. Otherwise camping is allowed anywhere on the Appalacian Trail."

There are many food options in Roanoke. If you are craving a biscuit or two Tudor's Biscuit World is the place to go.

There are many cafe's in Roanoke that have wi-fi access. Tudor's Biscuit World also has wi-fi access.


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