Sunday, April 4, 2010

Grayson Highlands State Park - No Bouldering!

We were not initially planning to go to Grayson Highlands State Park but were not too far so we decided to go check it out. The park is not open during the winter and as you can see in the photos below there was a bit too much snow on the ground to do some climbing.
None Shall Pass!!
But the detour was not a loss! We were driving back when we saw something we could not resist, big fluffy great great pyrenees!
The puppies were only 5 months old and they are already huge!
The nice lady who owned the dogs let us pet the puppies! If the lady was willing to part with any of them we were ready to make room in the car to take one of them home with us! Even without any bouldering this detour was so worth it! It just goes to show that sometimes the unplanned portion of your trip can be just as awesome as your planned portion.

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