Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Waffle House!

On my cross country I have passed by many Waffle Houses but I never felt the need to stop by one. But since Jennifer had fond memories of the walnut waffles we decided to make a stop.
The waffles were o.k. but I think the more interesting dish is the one in the back. Can you guess what it is? It's hash browns! Well... it's hash brown with some additional toppings. Listed below are toppings you can get.
  • COVERED –American CHEESE
  • CHUNKED –Hickory Smoked
  • TOPPED –Bert's CHILI
  • “ALL THE WAY” - Everything
Needless to say I got an "All the way". It was kinda tasty in a greasy diner kind of way. I don't recommend you make a stop at waffle house just for it but if you happen to be at a waffle house and am on a unhealthy kick give it a try :o)


  1. Do you guys not have waffle houses on the east coast?!? I freakin love waffle house! I always get the All-Star combo or whatever and load up the waffle with pounds of butter and syrup. So tasty.....and so terribly bad for you.


  2. Not sure if there is any on the far east or west coasts. I'll keep my eyes open :o)
