Thursday, March 25, 2010

LRC Doh!

After the awesome day of climbing I was super psyched on climbing again at LRC! We decided to warm up near the Mystery Machine Boulders.
For my first climb of the day I decided to climb a slightly tall problem called the Incredarete V0. I thought this would be a fun easy warm up.
The starting moves seemed a bit tricky but I got through them and kept on going up. Towards the top I was planning on moving to the right instead of staying left and that's when it happened. My foot slipped, my hand popped out and I went falling. It was so unexpected that I didn't have any time to think.
Next thing I know I missed the pad by a foot and landed on the ground on my butt with my spine straight up. I felt a shock all through my lower back.
I did have a spotter for most of the climb but he decided to move away once I got higher because he thought I was already up. I did have a crash pad but the way I fell made me miss it by a foot, and because of the way I fell my lower back took all the force of the fall...
I was in pretty bad pain and needless to say my day was shot. I could walk but it hurt to twist my body at all.
This was the first time I took a fall that bad and I grew very concerned. I decided to go to a nearby hospital to get it checked. Fortunately nothing was broken and I just needed to rest it but the whole experience gave me a fright.
We all know going into bouldering that it can be a dangerous sport but sometimes life likes to give you little reminders. I was lucky to not have bigger injuries. So what did I learn from this experience?
  1. Never stop spotting somebody till they are fully up and over and they can verbally confirm that they are o.k.
  2. It's probably a good idea to not warm up on highball problems especially as your first climb if you have never climbed it before.
  3. If the weather is cold make sure the rubber on your shoe is warm. When you climb with cold shoes they might not have the same amount of friction that you are used to. A good way to do this is to keep them inside your jacket to warm them up.
  4. Never underestimate any climb. Even if a climb is rated far below your skill level a fall from 15 feet up hurts just the same.


  1. Good to hear you are doing better.


  2. Yeah, back is still not 100% but it is definitely getting better.

  3. I hit my back while bouldering today, but it was only from about 3 feet up. The unfortunate part is that my ass landed on this sort of phallic rock that projected up out of the ground--my back is now suffering accordingly I can only imagine what 15 feet feels like.


  4. Ouch! I guess I was lucky that I landed on packed dirt and not some rock. Hope you get better soon.
