Monday, March 1, 2010

Dreamland BBQ - Birmingham Alabama

You'll smell the food and see the smoke before you see the restaurant.
After the half day of climbing Stephanie and Amanda recommended that we go to Dreamland BBQ. Dreamland is considered to have one of the finest ribs in Birmingham. I know I've been eating a lot of BBQ recently but I decided one more couldn't hurt.
Amanda and Stephanie, the gracious tour guides to Birmingham!
When we were driving to the restaurant I saw a plum of smoke eve before I saw the restaurant but knew it had to be the place. When we sat down we were given plain white bread and barbecue sauce. Apparently this was a Dreamland tradition. I was told that when the place first opened up all you could get was the complimentary white bread and sauce and pork ribs. The menu has since expanded and now you can get a variety of items. <menu>
1/2 rack of ribs and Mac & Cheese
The bread with bbq sauce was delicious, especially if you drizzle on some Texas Pete hot sauce. Plain white bread never tasted so good :o) The ribs were pretty tasty. The meat was tender and sweet. The mac and cheese was also pretty darn good but I wish there was more of it! Maybe the bread is suppose to fill you up enough so you don't notice how small the sides are.
Mmmmmm~ Meat~~
 No Farting Sign!
So was it the best ribs I ever had? Definitely no but was it damn tasty? Hells yeah! I definitely recommend you check it out if you're hungry for some ribs in Birmingham.

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