Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Fort Sanders Yacht Club! - Knoxville.

Since I have more time in Knoxville than I originally planned I was doing a fair amount of walking trying to find cool places to go. I accidentally passed by this small brick building that had a classy white lettering stenciled on it's window "Fort Sanders Yacht Club"

I would have just passed by it without thinking much about it but then I saw the most peculiar thing in the club, an arcade machine... I took a closer look and learned that this "Yacht Club" was actually an arcade bar!

Awesome random discovery! Sweet! The bartender told me that the bar's name was a spoof off of another bar that was the diveist, dirtiest bar that had a funny a sophisticated name like "Fort Sanders Country Club". Apparently the bar sometimes gets calls from people looking to join the sophisticated boating community, lol.
The beer selection is pretty good and the arcades cost only a quarter. If you want you can play NES or SNES for free! Let's not forget about the free wi-fi! Apparently Monday is the most fun to visit when they have guest bartenders and Tuesdays are good for $2 Tuesday for certain beers. It's a fun place to waste some time and drink some beer. If you have a lot of time and want to waste some time this is an excellent place to do it :o)

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