Friday, March 12, 2010

Horse Pens 40 - Bouldering - Day 3

Either it's really cold or the water is magical...
The sun finally decided to come out but it was still pretty cold! Since we were leaving for Chattanooga later in the day so not only was this was going to be our last day but it was also a half day!
Warm Up.
Kevin was taking a break letting his shoulder recover so victor and I headed out to the 10 pin boulder to warm up. As our first hard problem we tried Pop Eye V5. I got past the first few moves after much effort but was having a hard time finishing it up. I think if I worked on it I could complete it but I didn't want to get burnt out on just one problem. So we decided to move on to the next problem.
Not the coolest looking pose but I flashed it! The Low Down V4
The next problem we tackled was The Low Down. The beginning portions of the climb are pretty juggy but the top out is a bit tricky. Lot's of friction and moving your foot slowly up, typical HP top out I suppose :o)
Start of Mortal Combat V4

Mortal Combat! V4
Our next big project was the scary ridiculous looking Mortal Combat V4. This is one climb that is best climbed with ample padding and at least 2 spotters. The spotter on the left is very important since they are pretty much all that prevents you from falling down a crevice. The climb is pretty tall and the landing bad if not padded right. This was a very tough climb! There is barely anything for your right hand and there isn't much for your feet either. you have to look for any slight variations in the rocks and place your foot on it. I so wanted to get the climb but after taking many falls I had to call it quits. If you are a slab climber extrodinare you'll like this climb.
Lucky Charms V2
After Mortal Combat we just ended up doing some easier climbs. My time at HP40 was amazing but with my finger tips at the verge of bleeding through I was glad to be moving on to a destination that won't be so rough on my hands.

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