Monday, March 1, 2010

Moss Rock Preserve Bouldering! - Day 1

It was good to finally be back outside bouldering! The weather was nice and I was ready for a good day of climbing but there was one problem. I had no idea how to get there! But Stephanie and Amanda from couch surfer came to the rescue! They called while I was going in circles and they not only guided me to Moss Rock Preserve over the phone but was going to come out and show me around Birmingham. Thanks to them I was finally back outside bouldering!
I had the Dr. Topo guide that but I found it to be not too helpful. Luckily I met a local climber that was able to point me to couple of fun climbs.
One thing to note for bouldering in Moss Rock is that there are many climbs where obviously good holds are considered off for the problem. For the V3 problem I believe one of the holds on the right is off. This made it hard to go around by myself and say I really climb any of the established problems I found. This was a bit frustrating but also liberating. It allowed me to just jump on routes without really worrying about the grade of the climbs.
V5 Sit Start, I did just the last portion of the climb.
Easy Highball, Probably a V1
 Towards the end of the day couple of guys showed me a fun traverse called the Scrutinizer V4. It was a fun climb so I ended up spending probably way too much time on it. I had the front portion dialed down and I could do the crux end move without a problem but I had a hard time linking it all together. I must have tried it more than 10 times! I eventually decided to call it a day but promised myself to get the climb done the next day after a bit of rest. All in all a good day.

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