Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Moss Rock Preserve Bouldering! - Day 2

I didn't have too much planned for my last day at Moss Rock. My goal was just to tidy up the climbs I've been working on and maybe do some easy fun problems.
The Heart Problem V2
The first problem I did was called the Heart Problem. If you look carefully you can see that my right hand is in a heart shaped hold. It was fun and easy to find.
Scrutinizer V4 
After that short warm up I was ready for the Scrutinizer! Since I had the beta down and was well rested I got it in the first go! The climb is pretty straightforward except for the transition towards the end. Get a low right foot and do a left heel hook to make the transition.
Scrutinizer with the heel hook beta
Doing the top out portion of a V4
A V4 climb that has been down graded to a V2 in the new guidebook...
There is a climb right next to the Scrutinizer that was a series of burly moves. I was initially told it was a V4 but apparently it has been down graded to a V2 in the new guidebook! If it is a V2 it is definitely the most burliest V2 ever with campusing moves.
That's one thing I'm realizing about south east bouldering, a lot of problems are being down graded in grade. Sandbaggery abound. Don't be too discouraged if you find a easy grade climb that you just can't seem to get.

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