Saturday, February 6, 2010

Hueco Tanks - Guides

This book is the standard guide to buy if you are planning to boulder at Hueco Tanks. There are maps, good descriptions and photos to guide you to your problems. The book is well organized into sections based on locations. There is even a list of all climbs in a certain rating ordered according to how "classic" the climbs are. Besides acting as a good bouldering guide the book also has many helpful information about camping, rest day activities and food options.
There are some information that does need to be updated. The following are some updated information.

- The ever so beloved mushroom boulder is no longer open for climbing.
- There is a small climbing store inside the "barn" at Hueco Rock Ranch that sells Chalk and guidebooks.
- There is a climbing gear store that operates out of a truck trailer on the way to the ranch. I believe it is only open on the weekends.
- There is WiFi access at the Hueco Rock Ranch.
- The Closest Grocery store is the Montana Vista Grocery. The store has almost anything you need but I do not believe they sell hard liquor. If they do I did not see it.

The book is pretty comprehensive but it still can't beat just asking fellow boulderers when you are stumped.
Also do not buy the cheap $10ish guidebook. It is not worth the money you will save.

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